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6) Student and Teacher Leadership - Pump Up Videos - Motivational Speakers

Page history last edited by Michael Pugh 4 years, 9 months ago

Abbotsford - British Columbia


Ideas for Student government and Leadership Teachers (Same ideas on pdf and ppt)

CSLC 2019 40 in 40 - Great Ideas For Student Government.pdf

CSLC 2019 40 in 40 PPT Slide Great Ideas For Student Government.pptx


Pump Up Songs

"Peel Bananas"



"Get Loose, Get Funky!--Repeat After Me Song"


"Pass the Beat around the Room"



Motivational Speakers

1) Mike Smith - Voice for current teenage generation


2) Jeff Eben - School administrator overcoming personal tragedy and excelling


3) Fred Fox - Terry Fox's Oldest Brother


4) Lt. Gen (Ret) Hon. Roméo Dallaire (Rwanda civil unrest)

International Champion of Human Rights, Mental Health Advocate PTSD & Leadership Expert


5) Spencer West - After losing legs due to a health issue he still moved forward to summit Mount Kilimanjaro using his hands and wheelchair. Spencer inspires others to push past their own roadblocks.


6) Phil Boyte - Learning through fun and understanding individuality- breaking down the walls


7) Angus Reid - CFL All Star Lineman on setting goals and achieving them - Why we need school football


8) Heather Moyse - Two time Olympic Bobsled Champion for Canada - Pushing to achieve goals

It's not about guarantees in life, it's about possibilities



Orange Shirt Day Reconciliation

"Truth & Reconciliation: Stories From Residential School Survivors" -


"What Orange Shirt Day means"



West Coast Aboriginal Game: Bear-Salmon-Mosquito



Deceive (Hidden Rock Game)

     One player deceiver.  Other Player is the guesser.

     Each player starts with 3 sticks (credits).  The goal is to collect/obtain all 6 sticks.

     Only the deceiver can collect a stick (credit) by having the guesser guess which hand the small rock is in.  if the guesser picks the right hand he/she gets back the role of deceiver.



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