Please note: Portions of the scope and sequence will be updated in the future. The course outlines will be updated.
2020 scope and sequence Grade 8 Final Draft.xls
2020 scope and sequence Grade 8 Final Draft.xls
Grade 8
English Language Arts
2019 Course Outline
Teacher: Michael Pugh
Specific assessments will take place for each student this year. The Words Their Way Spelling Placement Test will be given in September, February and again in June to gauge spelling levels and improvement. A basic reading assessment will be administered near the beginning of the school year and results will be shared at the Student Led Conferences in November.
The Manitoba Department of Education requires a provincial report on Grade 8 student performance in Reading Comprehension and Expository Writing. This will be evaluated at the end of January/Early February. Students and parents will receive results shortly afterward.
The basis of Middle Years English is formed around six strands of literacy learning: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and representing. In keeping with these guidelines, we will complete a variety of activities, assignments, and projects that will help students practice and develop skills in these areas using the units listed below. We will also complete two novel studies:
Ongoing parts of our ELA program
Reading & Silent Reading
*The following ELA sections represent the approximate order of units or concepts we will be studying this year. Please understand this will be revised as necessary.
Reading unit include study of: literary terms, 5 story elements, short story genre, plot structure, theme, epiphany, imagery, irony(3), conflict, symbolism, characterization, metaphor, simile
Reading Units
Short Stories
Novel: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Novel: The Giver by Lois Lowry.
Writing Genres
Personal Journaling
Hard News
Internet Research
Business Letter
Writing to explain
Grammar Topics
Punctuation & Capitals
Nouns / Pronouns
Compound Sentences
Subject / verb agreement
Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions
Spelling Programs
Canadian Spelling Program – September Only (spelling and vocabulary skills)
Words Their Way (spelling patterns and sorts)
Student Evaluation
We will study various genres of literary texts and complete a wide range of reading response activities and assignments. Students will work cooperatively in different group and individually while studying novels and short stories.
Daily Work (assignments, projects, tests): 90%
Final Assessment: 10% (June)
It is expected for students to: attend class regularly, come to class prepared, complete assignments/homework, participate in class, and be willing to learn.
Grade 8
2019 Course Outline
Teacher: Michael Pugh
Course Description: The grade 8 math course is designed to develop students' skills across the four math strands:
1) numbers
2) patterns and relations
3) shape and space
4) statistics and probability
The General Learning Outcomes that are outlined within these four strands include:
a) Develop number sense
b) Use patterns to describe the world and solve problems
c) Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways.
d) Use direct -or- indirect measurement to solve problems
e) Describe characteristics of 3D objects and 2D shapes analyzing the relationships among them.
f) Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes
g) Collect, display, and analyze data to solve problems
h) Use experimental and theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems
Course Structure: The structure of our math course this year will include a variety of large class, small group and independent work. We will be using the programs of “MathLinks 8” and “Math Makes Sense 8”. Instant recall of basic facts is a priority for the grade 5-8 math programs.
Math Units (order will change matching mRLC sequence)
Ch8 Integers
Ch6 Fraction Operations
Ch9 Linear Relations
Ch10 Solving Linear Relations
Ch3 Pythagorean Relationships
Ch2 Ratio, Rates, Proportional Reasoning
Ch5 Surface Area
Ch7 Volume
Ch4 Understanding Percent
Ch1 Representing Data & Ch11 Probability
Ch12 Tessellations
Daily Work (assignments, quizes, tests): 90%
Final Assessment: 10% (June)
Required Materials: geometry set, scientific calculator, ruler.
A basic calculator is optional {graph paper can be supplied by school}
Grade 8
2019 Course Outline
Teacher: Michael Pugh
Introduction: The study of science and technology will help students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific and technological concepts and procedures. Students will learn to critically assess and connect scientific concepts and technological innovations to their observations of the world around them. They will gain an appreciation for the important role science and technology plays in society and begin to understand how their actions impact society and the environment. Textbook: Discovering Science 8
Within this curriculum there are four clusters of study which include:
a) Water Systems
b) Optics
c) Fluids
d) Cells and Systems
Essential Learnings: Students will be assessed using the following three essential learnings:
a) Demonstrates an communicates scientific knowledge and concepts
b) Applies and communicates scientific and technological skills
c) Recognizes and communicated relationships between science, technology, society and the environment.
Science Units (Chapter titles indicate science concept for each cluster)
a) Introduction & Science Lab Safety
b) Unit 1: Cells and Systems Ch10-12
ch10: the cell is a basic unit of life
ch11: human body cells are organized as tissues organs and systems
ch12: health of a body depends on the health of its interdependent systems
c) Unit 2: Water Systems Ch1-3
ch1: Water cycle
ch2: oceans control the water cycle
ch3: water influence on climate and species distribution
d) Unit 3: Optics Ch4-6
ch4: properties of light using Wave models
ch5:the Law of Reflection and mirrors
ch6: lenses refract light to form images
e) Unit 4: Fluids Ch7-9
ch7: viscosity describes a fluid's resistance to flow
ch8: density describes the amount of mass in a given volume of a substance
ch9: Forces influence the motion and properties of fluids
Due to time constraints it is unlikely we will complete all of the chapters above entirely.
We will be completing a variety of activities which will include lab work, experiments, and research.
Scientific Inquiry
(The Scientific Method)
Evaluation: Students will be evaluated in the following three areas which are
present on the provincial report card:
80% Knowledge and understanding
(tests, assignments)
10% Scientific inquiry
(lab work - scientific method to
solve problems)
10% Design process and problem solving
(prototypes, solve problems and
attempt solutions, science Olympics)
Grade 8
Social Studies
2019 Course Outline
Teacher: Michael Pugh
Students will explore societies of the past and make connections between the past and present. The origins of human societies from early hunter-gather ways of life to societies of the Roman Empire will be studied. Students will study significant people, ideas, and events of historical periods that have shaped the modern world. Students will become aware of differing world views and the factors that influence change in societies. They will assess the influence of the past on the present and develop an appreciation for the historical significance of past societies and civilizations.
Theme of Grade 8 Social Studies:
Understanding Societies Past and Present
80% Knowledge and Understanding
(tests, daily work)
15% Research and Communication
(research project, presentations)
5% Critical thinking and citizenship
(problem solving, judgments, involvement, relations with others)
Textbook “World History: Societies of the Past”
Social Studies Clusters (represented in year plan below)
1) Understanding Societies Past and Present
2) Early Societies of Mesopotamia & Egypt
3) Ancient Societies of Greece & Rome
Year Plan
Unit Text Chapters & Title Evaluation
1 Intro to textbook / Ch1 - History of Societies Unit Test
2 Ch2 - The Early Peoples Unit Test
3 Ch3 - Mesopotamia Unit Test
4 Ch4 – Egypt Research Project
5 Ch7 - Greece Unit Test
6 Ch8 - Rome Unit Test
If time permits we will read the following two chapters
7 Shaping the Modern World
Ch12 - Renaissance Reading Only
Ch15 - Industry and Europe
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