Mr. Michael Pugh - Killarney Collegiate Institute (Killarney School)
Grade 8 Teacher
Welcome to my classroom web page! This web site will be used to distribute web addresses and assignments to students. Links to educational site will be added over the course of the year.
SCIENCE - Famous Scientists
Discovering Science 7 -textbook Link
1) An ecosystem is all the living and non-living things in a particular place.
1.1 Types of Ecosystems
1.2 Abiotic Parts of an Ecosystem
1.3 Biotic Parts of an Ecosystem
2) Living and non-living things interact in ecosystems.
2.1 Types of Interactions
2.2 Roles of Organisms in Ecosystems
2.3 Food Chains,Food Webs, and the Transfer of Energy
2.4 Cycles of Matter in Ecosystems
3) Natural events and human activities cause changes in ecosystems.
3.1 Natural Disturbances and Succession
3.2 The Impacts of People on Ecosystems
3.3 Monitoring and Managing Ecosystems
4) Temperature describes how hot or cold an object is.
4.1 Describing Temperature
4.2 Measuring Temperature
5) Scientists use the particle theory of matter to describe temperature
5.1 Particle Theory of Matter
5.2 States of Matter
5.3 Particle Theory Explains Changes of State
6) Heat is transferred from one object to another by three different processes.
6.1 Processes of Transferring Heat
6.2 Conductors and Insulators
6.3 Temperature versus Heat
7) Matter can be classified as mixtures or pure substances.
7.1 How Mixtures Are Different from Pure Substances
7.2 Classifying Mixtures
8) Some substances dissolve to form solutions faster and more easily than others.
8.1 Solutes,Solvents,and Solubility
8.2 Solubility and Concentration
9) Many useful products depend on technology for separating mixtures and solutions.
9.1 Processing Solutions and Other Mixtures
9.2 Separating Earth’s Mixtures
10) Earth’s crust is made up of rocks and minerals.
10.1 Investigating Minerals
10.2 Investigating Rocks
10.3 The Rock Cycle and Rock and Mineral Resources
Earth’s crust is constantly changing.
11.1 A Moving,Changing Crust
11.2 How Earthquakes and Volcanoes Shape Earth’s Crust
11.3 Mountain Building and Geologic Time
Soil is the living component of Earth’s crust.
12.1 Weathering,Erosion,and Soil Formation
12.2 Soil Types and Characteristics
12.3 Sustaining Fertile Soils
Discovering Science 8 -textbook Link
1) Web Links for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies
2) Files and Assignments for Students
3) Example for Student Web Pages
4) Course Outlines Year Scope and Sequence
5) Genius Hour Student Projects Genius Hour Student Projects
6) Student and Teacher Leadership - Pump Up Videos - Motivational Speakers
7) Completed Student Projects
9) Scratch for Computer Science
10) Computer Science Ideas and Lesson Links
Student Web Pages
Movie Stream for KCI
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